Wave (Sea of Signals), 2019-20

Digital Template File, Adjusted to Fit

Dimensions Variable.

Wave (Sea of Signals) is a work which depicts a slippage between forms of matter. The work observes a chance or casual echo - in which the wifi symbol resembles the traditional Japanese graphic drawing of a sea or pool of water - which might describe a slippage between water, with its essential properties, and the technological evangelism of continuous communication, often described as a new essential and inviolable resource. The work posits a sly transformation, from the image of calm reflection and flow, towards a continuous broadcasting.

Each work is made from a single image template file (below), which can be tiled and scaled according to the conditions of display. This can be printed or placed on a screen, an adjusted to fit, in accordance with the repeating patterns and proportions of the template, sometimes leaving a space, interpreted as a horizon, above.

In the work above, a single template file is repeated by the website’s slideshow package, which automatically repeats, producing an infinite scroll.

 Wave (Sea of Signals), 2020

Digital Inkjet Prints on Hahnemuhle Pearl Paper




After Lawrence Weiner